Pinball, pt 2: Cabinet, Playfield Experiments

Some ugly Spring Break artwork wouldn't do, so I spray-painted the cabinet black:

The same went for the head:

I've never understood pinball machines that couldn't think of a use for more buttons, so I put a second set in:

A video posted by zacaj (@zacaj) on

I picked up a sheet of 0.5" MDF at Home Depot, and lightly drew out my layout

I also used leftover scraps from cutting it to the right size to experiment with mounting components

A video posted by zacaj (@zacaj) on

Using a small router and an 1/8" bit, I found that, as long as you go slowly, it can produce workable light insert holes

Since I couldn't find any launchers, I made one myself by welding a scoop to a piece of 0.5" iron stock and attaching some plastic to the front to guide it

When you power the coil, it pulls the iron stock in, and the plastic guides it through

Posted Sunday, April 01, 2018
at 05:44 PM

Tags: Blog Post, Pinball, Archive, P1,

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